Alchemy Consultancy offers a range of services that help to develop your people and grow your business. (View links below for futher information)
Services are tailored to your specific needs and circumstances and include:
One-2-one Coaching sessions (for all levels of personnel within your business)
Group Coaching sessions
Telephone Coaching for Executives and Senior Managers
Management Training (on or off site)
Consultations (typically, but not exclusively, around Organisational Change and Development)
Performance Coaching:
delivered either one-2-one or in groups, Coaching is the single most powerful tool to bring about lasting change in behaviours that effect bottom-line results. Performance Coaching taps the skills, qualities and aptitudes of individuals and enhances them whilst aligning them to core business values and strategies. The following areas are addressed:
time management
goal setting
challenging self-limiting beliefs
changing unhelpful behaviours
focusing on outcomes Close
Executive Coaching:
typically delivered one-2one, this service is provided to those individuals that need to:
increase their job satisfaction
improve their business outcomes
establish fully aligned personal objectives
define their career path
Telephone Coaching:
for some individuals (often Senior and Executive Managers), it is appropriate to engage Alchemy to deliver a series of telephone coaching sessions, tailored to the individuals needs.
Whatever the particular requirements, Alchemy offers a flexible service to coach people through creating and implementing well-formed outcomes outcomes that very often allow for positive and exciting new possibilities for more than just one person!
Alchemys Training Programmes address a wide range of business needs, including:
presentation skills (
sales excellence (
leadership training (
customer service excellence (
Other Training Courses are available following Alchemys Consultation within your organisation. An important common denominator across all of Alchemys Training programmes is developing and improving Communication.
Organisational Development:
All companies experience change. Sometimes, this change is organic and subtle; sometimes it is spontaneous and dynamic.
In any event, it is universally recognised that organisations that initiate change in a conscious and positive way are likely to emerge as leaner, more efficient and more productive.
Those that simply react in a defensive manner (when change becomes an inevitable consequence of inadequate planning) are destined to slip behind their competitors.
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Organisational Development(continued):
Alchemy Consultancy can provide advice and insight into the challenge of Organisational Change. Typically, services offered address:
Aligning HR and Training with company strategies and goals
Succession Planning managing the talent within your workforce and retaining your key staff!
Defining Roles and Responsibilities; resolving Role Conflict
Changing your Outcomes, not your Identity maintaining the integrity of your USPs during the change process and ensuring that service delivery is not interrupted
Recruitment Support Services:
Alchemy has plenty of experience within recruitment and can support the hiring of new staff or, indeed, the assessment of internal promotions. Recruitment decisions are critical and Alchemy Consultancy can help you select candidates that have the skills, aptitudes and, importantly, motivation to carry out their roles. Typically, we can support:
Candidate profiling (skills, attitudes, potential for value added)
Initial interviews and subsequent short listing of suitable applicants
Co-ordinating recruitment campaigns
On-site support to subsequent interview phases
"The strongest principle of growth
lies in human choice"
[George Eliot]
Alchemy Consultancy
"Choose to make a difference"