Site Design: Biassoftware | © Biassoftware & Paul Duckett 2006

..:: Software ::..

I have been writing and delivering bespoke software solutions for 10 years all over the United Kingdom. In that time I have written over 100 hundred applications for Microsoft Windows platforms.

Projects include Full business system for one of the largest architects in the UK, Purchase Ordering, stock control, chat clients, Software monitors, client server applications, library software, contact managers, reporting tools, developer tools and image processing software.

Applications are written in Visual Basic and use either a SQL or Microsoft Access Database.

I have also written and designed over 60 websites.
Technology used includes ASP, VBScript, JScript, Java, HTML, XML, ADO and ActiveX.

Examples are available to view and importantly they are not all the "best" ones. I have selected a range - some are "flat" static sites, some are dynamic data driven, others are full ecommerce data driven sites.

Some of the sites I have been given free reign on such as Oakleaf, Shepherdstubbs and Rockfoundry which I am totally happy with, others the clients had either a tight budget or a strict vision and although they are happy with the results (as are all my clients) I feel there is room for improvements - ArcJobs for example.

Please view the examples from the links on the left
Examples Of Recent Client Work

..:: WEBSITES ::..
..:: SOFTWARE ::..
IT Services
..:: SERVICES ::..